Philosophy of
life. The thirst of learning always dwell within me, as a carefree butterfly I went from flower in flower. Like Jonathan Livingstone the Seagull utility does not matter for me, as the bee I put all my energy to draw honey from it from the knowledge. Then the trustful child made place with the being wary adult I was always believer but never plugs also when the doubt emerges, my conscience is seized some as of a weapon against the duplicity and the frauds of the men. I missed wise close to me to advise me and shoulder me and if I overcame the tragedies of my existence I was not carried out yet but I know that as long as there is life there is hope and which it is never too late for making well. |
“Discover what you would like to do and do all your possible to reach it.” Preface of Jonathan Livingstone the seagull of Richard Bach “My brothers! Jonathan exclaimed. Thousand years during, we played of the wings and the nozzle to collect fish heads, but from now on we have a reason to live: to learn, discover, be free! ” The seagull which sees further flies highest. Extracts of Jonathan Livingstone the seagull of Richard Bach The doubt is the courage of the conscience (Jean Bédard) My experiment says to me that only let themselves call and sharpen the consciences which are already waked up themselves (Hermann Hesse) At the end of any knowledge and of any increase in our knowledge, there are not a final point, but a question mark. (Hermann Hesse) |
Knowledge “Know yourself” taught Socrate, it is fundamental knowledge. It is necessary that it is comprehensible by the greatest number. Fertile knowledge is that which is acquired with through the comprehension of the thought of the other, it generates the tolerance and decreases the share of indexiality inherent in the dialog. But intelligent knowledge, it is to know what mask your knowledge: the acquisition of knowledge must be carried out with a critical spirit in order to thwart trickeries related on the attraction of the power and the abuse oneself. Thus I observed the world which surrounds me since my more tender childhood, thus I followed my studies of theology and which I carried out of research in theology, history of the religions and policy. I am not a researcher with the scientific direction but simple human in search of an ideal of life for a better world. As for the definition of the “ideal” term to the direction where I hear it I return to TLFi Ideal (substantive) B.2. - Together of the intellectual values, morals, esthetics in opposition to the particular material interests. To aspire to the ideal; to rise, tend towards the ideal; taste, research of the ideal. The serious class and well-read woman, who practices the duty, work, the thought and preserve the worship of the ideal (AMIEL, Journal, 1866, p. 541): |
The Action In order not to sink in the indifference of the speeches as erudite as inaccessible even useless, philosophy must be an art of living, only or with the others. There exist two principal driving forces of the action: hatred and Love. Love led to live in harmony with Nature from the point of view of evolution towards a constructive sympathy and the research of Happiness to all the living beings before and as much as for oneself. In order to give a practical range to our values we will consider the question of the policy. |
The synthesis The synthesis is the axis of the formed engine torque by the alliance of knowledge and the action. |
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