Marianne laurée La Politique

From the art to govern to the art to be citizen.

From the art of oppression to the art of the submission.

Art of devotion to the art of solidarity.

… the goddess of the city has many faces…
freedom, equality, fraternity, sacred and policy, a rupture deliberated with sacredorganization of society, revolutions, immigration, remedies.


Is-there something which revolts you?
For me it is the children slaves, situation which continues
thanks to the complicity of the governments of the great nations, thanks to globalization !
See there what's about...

If you do not want to worry about policy, it does not matter, thus go to fishing! The policy, it, deals with you! But above all never feel sorry for of your fate!

 Marianne à l'oiseau
As far as I'm concerned, which revolts me, it is the injustice!

No peace without justice. If one wants to be to be in favor of peace, one needs also to militate in favor of justice unless supporting the oppressor by our passivity. It is so much easier to do nothing !

The policy, it, deals with you day and night, it does not sleep, that of the government simmers crooked blows in your back and especially while you are on vacation. Then be always content with your fate, post a happy smile by saying to you that all goes for best in Brave New World… And leave this page… Not? not happy ? then read attentively what follows!

The free encyclopedia Wikipedia lays down the policy better than I could not do it. I will not plagiarize. Its consultation appears as a need when studies in report were not made. For my part I will speak about fields which appear important to me while trying to give an external lighting and of course I will announce my own idea.


It is not equality without fraternity,
it is not fraternity without justice,
it is not justice without separation of the powers.


“The freedom of the ones starts where that of the others finishes”…
The republican law wants to be to fix the limits of use of freedom to act of the citizens. The majority of the laws aim at obliging the respect of the ones towards the others, it is a need. But when a law restricts a legitmate freedom of expression it is a crime.
In addition, one can distinguish two types of freedom: theoretical freedom and practical freedom.

Theoretical freedom is the same one for all, it is framed by the laws, decrees and payments. But in practice it can be exerted only within the limits of the submission to the power in place:
For example, in France, of the personalities having authority (of any kind) can
undermine to the liberty of meeting.

La liberté pratique est très variable : à un point tel qu'on peut précisément lui appliquer des variables comme en mathématiques.
Le principal problème est l'évaluation de ces variables. Pour les définir il faudrait faire appel autant à la psychologie qu'aux statistiques.
Soit "P" la liberté pratique, pour un citoyen lambda les variables (par rapport à un niveau de 100) sont les suivantes :
Real freedom is very variable: to such an extent that one can precisely apply variables as in mathematics to him.
The main problem is the evaluation of these variables. To define them it would be necessary to call upon psychology as much that for the statistics.
That is to say “F” the real freedom, for a citizen lambda the variables (compared to a level of 100) are the following ones:

“H” its level of health in %
“F” % free time compared to its employment level
 (made deduction of 2:00 ½ of meal and 8 hours of
“W” its level of wages (from 1 to 10)
“A” its level of richness (from 1 to 10)
“E” its educational level in %
“R” the social relations which can play in its favor
      (from 1 to 10)
“P” its degree of resistance to the influences (en%)
(publicity, entourage, religion…)
(for this variable, the % would be very difficult to define,
though for a member of a sect,
one could estimate it at 1%)

The formula which makes it possible to calculate its rate (T) of freedom
is the following one:
V x F x W x A x E x R x P= T (L) 
example for a SDF
30% x 100% x 1 x 1 x 40% x 1 x 90% = 0.108
example for a wage-earning (here a cadre)
60% x 10% x 5 x 4 x 70% x 3 x 40%= 1.08

Of course the figures which I advance here are there only as an example.
The unit is very imperfect, but it is there to illustrate
the fact that freedom is not the same one for all.

“The freedom starts where ignorance finishes”… out an inextricable system of laws, decrees and payments do not make it possible to know the law, futhermore the articles of this deep jungle, obscure and full of traps often change.
Even professionals of the law do not find themselves there more, as this inspector of the taxes who acknowledged me that the code changes every year and that it did not manage to follow. As for lawyers, they are obliged to specialize to be effective… too it is too.
And to say that “No one is not supposed to be unaware of the law”…, it is this principle which is null and for a long time out of date!
But as long as a majority of citizens will make the large back under the whiplashes and will still ask again some… one did not leave the inn of Ténardiers.

To be not held in ignorance, it would be necessary that teaching was impartial and complete, that the historians were free to make all research which relates to our history without obstacle, that freedom of the press were real and nontheoretical… but are this possible without being utopian?
And right to express? it is restricted more and more...

Other examples of loss of liberty:

We have just seen that we are not equal in regard to freedom.
Already at birth we all are born with different potentials, either by our own nature (large, small, IQ low or high), or because of our milieu of birth: if one is born in an easy milieu or even “with a silver spoon in the mouth” there is some assets in advance (of which one will be useful oneself or not, but it is another history). On the other hand if one is born in a poor family and alcoholic parents, one has some handicaps to surmount. Worse if one is born handicapped (or if it is become) only a very great courage and a strong will be our assets.
let us speak in handicapped people, at present nothing really effective is not made so that they are citizens like the others (with the same possibilities as the others). The urban developments often leave something to be desired (particularly the absence of setting of old to the standards) and the allowances allocated are only a minimum of survival (I have a handicapped son, I know what I speak).
I deposited a ticket on one of my blogs on this subject.


  Comme il est dit dans le texte ci-dessous, la révolution française exalte l'individualisme, il n'est plus rien de sacré sauf l'argent et l'on est béni socialement "au nom du Pèse, du Fric et du Saint-Bénéfice". Face à ce vide on trouve les fraternités religieuses, les fraternités de caste (ex: la francmaçonnerie) et enfin les fraternités associatives : de nombreux français expriment leur solidarité avec leurs semblables, et aussi avec les plus démunis aux travers des milliers d'associations, il ne faut donc pas dire que les français sont individualistes. C'est notre modèle de société qui pousse à l'individualisme.
Si vous n'êtes pas convaincu, allez faire un tour sur le blog de Sandrine qui a bien résumé la question en 6 mots :

There it seems to me that the assessment is mitigated. As it is known as below in the text, the French revolution excites individualism, it anything of is not more sacred except the money and one is blessed socially “in the name of Father cash, of the Money and the Saint-Benefit”. Vis-a-vis this vacuum one finds fraternities religious, fraternities of caste (ex: associative francmaconnery) and finally fraternities: many French expresses their solidarity with their similar, and as with the most deprived through thousands of associations, it thus should not be said as French is individualistic. It is our model of sociaty which pushes with individualism.
If you are not convinced, make a turn on the
blog of Sandrine who summarized the question in six words well:

Freedom: confusion Equality: diversity Fraternity: hostility  

The Universal declaration of the Human rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
are complex subjects which will be the subject of a study particular to come…
But in any event the governments which followed one another, and sometimes also our deputies…

“They do not do what they say. They do not say what they do.”


Nothing was perfect “formerly” but instead of amending itself at any end to improve, the Western officers of the society replaced the old tares by vices much more pernicious. I address myself here to those which think that (almost) all goes badly within the republic, those which think that all is well do not need obviously to be delayed on these reflections. Without claiming that all was well before the French revolution, I will endeavor here to define the origin of the evils which overpower France and Europe starting from the aforementioned revolution. To be done, I will start from a remarkable text, resulting from a book not less remarkable:
“A LAND, A PEOPLE” of Pierre VIAL, editions Ground and People, Paris, May 2000.
They are extracts of the pages 152 to 159 which I put in dark red.

    The king, “father of his people”,thus ensure the cohesion of the popular community while incarnating, in addition to the sovereign function, the warlike function and the function of production. These three functions, conceived as of high European antiquity like guaranteeing the stability of the social body, as showed it work of Georges Dumézil, will be found in the depths of system preached by a prelate, Adalbéron de Laon, which explains to the capetien king  Robert le Pieux (the Pious), at the 11th century, that a suitably organized society rests on three “orders”: that of oratores (those which pray), that of the bellatores (combatants), that of the laboratores (producers).

From the Middle Ages until the French revolution one thus have a society divided into three orders:
that which works (Third-State), that which prays (clergy), that which fights (nobility).
The orders are not watertight between them as for their function: the monks work, part of the people fights, some nobles return in the clergy…


 “Indicated by God sun of justice, father of the fatherland, the sacred king is the keystone of this organic community which is people. This is why the rise of the philosophy of the Lights, at the 18th century, succeeds, very logically, by the death of the king, to the decapitation of the community. The philosophy of the Lights will indeed offer an ideological justification to the rise to power of a class, the bourgeoisie, and of its system of values, denier of sacred.”

Monarchy is caricatured in the history books of our schools.
As example, I remember the presentation of gabelle, the famous tax on the salt, like particularly unjust and removed thanks to the revolution…
Nowadays, there are three particularly unjust:

The TIPP brings back approximately 25 billion euros per annum to public finances.
As comparison, the tax system of the oil products occupy the 4th rank of the takings, behind the VAT (142.1 billion euros), the income tax (53.7 billion euros) and the corporation tax (44.1 billion euros).
The rate of TIPP on the professional gas oil lies between 41.69 € and 42.84 € per hectolitre according to the regions, refunding partial of the TIPP makes it possible to bring back it to a floor interest rate of 39.19 € per hectolitre.
source: PME, public service.

Think of you, your children,
make a gesture of solidarity for those which suffer.
Call against the Sarkozy franchise

The financial profits fly away every day, it is them whom it is necessary to tax.

But they are always the most modest taxpayers who must pay to enrich the new capitalist aristocrats, such as for example in the case of the Crédit Lyonnais affair against Bernard Tapie: “The arbitration judgment of July, at the terms of which CDR is condemned to pay 395 million euros to Bernard Tapie, is a real State scandal. Why? Because it is the money of the taxpayers which is concerned…” The most obvious point of this complex affair, it is the will of the government to completely illegally support a friend of the president of the Republic…! to see my notes: textual file to be downloaded here. Really the privileges are found again in the Republic, in other forms…

Let us return to the rupture with sacred : it is all the more serious as it carries out an inversion of the values:

“The French revolution, girl of the American revolution, excites individualism. By upsetting the hierarchical and organic order of the three traditional functions, it carries out an inversion of the values: hypertrophied, the valorization of the function of production (actually diverted in commercial function) leads to economism. Economism, i.e. the assertion according to which the economic situation, the reports of production, the request for consumption condition all the mechanisms of the life in society and dictate their law to the policy. This one, cut of any transcendence, will be thus reduced to a role of manager and will be stripped of his sovereign function. It is the topic of the night watchman State dear to the liberals. Sacred must be evacuated, because he claims to recall the superiority of spiritual upon the material, of the community upon the individual, of the qualitative upon the quantitative one. The reign of the quantity, rationalism and the materialism require the death of sacred.”

This inversion of values will have two impacts: on the organization of the society on one hand, the social answer to this organization on other hand.


    The rich person will be divided into two categories: paternalist, patriotic and catholic ones (and/or philantropes) which will keep principles of humanity on the one hand and pure materialists on the other hand (most). The latter will have only the profit at the head and will make fun of human which produce regarded as “factor work”. During my first course of economy which I runed to the Faculty of Law, I was stunned to hear my professor about the buisness  management : to reduce the production costs, when one carried out all the economies of scale, it any more but does not remain to adjust the “work factor”. The employee disappear completely from the company as an human being, it is not any more but one number integrated into a variable of adjustment.

    We have here an obvious example of the extremely serious consequences of the loss of the concept of “crowned”, the majority of the industrialists since the 19th century do not respect more the human being, nor Nature, which will generate all pollution and all the scandals of the consumer society (example: the scandal of asbestos, one introduces materials without worrying about the consequences on the health of the citizens, it is in the same way at present with the cellphones and the antennas relay installed anywhere - until on the roof of a nursery school, and there even the health of the children of was not sacred anymore, for the industrialists of the communication, while at the same time we live in a society where the child is sacrilized until the concept of “the child-king”!)

    However we live in a company which wants to be concerned children (promulgation of the Rights of the Child, etc) while at the same time the slavery of the children is always a current problem in many countries without Europe being worried anymore ! Worse she collaborates with these States where the slave ones operate, letting them at low prices invade us with their products, which malignes at the same time the European small and medium-size companies, the multinationals using and misusing  low cost labour.


    The social answer will be with the height, i.e. it will be materialist as much. It will thus be directed towards a class struggle and will adopt the ideology Marxist-Leninist more or less. In parallel the trade unions of catholic origin will propose moderate answers.

“Crisis of the values” or “died of the ideals” the tragic consequences of this choice of society appear to us from now on in an obvious way.

The Declaration of the Human rights and the citizen of August 26th, 1789 seems a positive asset of the Revolution:
she will break this Declaration for the period of Terror. Indeed, the remedy was worse than the evil (injustices of the Former regime) because the mention of an unspecified supreme Being and a concept of “Nation” quite as unspecified does not give any moral or spiritual base to this Declaration however full with good intentions as a blind man who would like to help others blind. One does not know from where one comes, nor where one goes, and even less why and for which one lives.
One of my friends (we were 20 years old) committed suicide because it did not have an answer to these questions.
Of course since one is materialist, material happiness is enough. In what relate to me I do not live for the money, to see the page “My search of Graal”.

“This requirement explains the vicissitudes and the sudden starts of the French revolution. The ideology of the human rights indeed imposes the design of a man abstracted, interchangeable, “released” of these unbearable fasteners which are the bonds resulting from ground and blood. The man of 1789 must be emancipated of any form of rooting and one denounces virtuously, on the platform of Convention, the regional languages, which [158] are as many intolerable challenges to the reduction to the single model of thoughts and mores. But, of all the traditional fasteners denounced from now on like ` “superstitions”, sacred is the more despised of all, because it is it which connects the man to invisible, encourages it to transcend its natural selfishness, and the least stupid of the revolutionists know well that there it is the most dangerous force of resistance to the new imposed dogmas, by means of terror, by the Convention. Supreme challenge, unbearable report: the assassination of the king therefore did not make disappear the need for sacred.”

In order to uproot the human one of his ground and his blood, everywhere in the country does one change the place names, one prohibits the language, one burns the churches which are not subjected to the republican ideology, one assassinates so dangerous recalcitrant priests for the Republic, but where thus had the Human rights passed?

As example Nom traditionnel Nom révolutionnaire
One changes the name of the months of the year, Mahaxte 

The name of the cities is changed…

June 6th, 1794, the Basque language becomes national danger.
Prohibition is made, with those which do not speak French,
- to marry
- to have advance in the French Army.

It will be the same dictatorship in Brittany and everywhere where an identity continues by attachment with the history of the province, the traditions and in memory of ancestors.
All these things being incompatible with the philosophy of the "sans culottes" dictators.
“There is no prosperity to hope as long as the last enemy of freedom will breathe. You have to punish not only the traitors, but the indifferent ones themselves : you have to punish whoever is passive in the Republic and does not do anything for it…”.
“What constitutes a Republic, it is the total destruction of what is opposite for it. ”
Louis Antoine Leon de Saint-Just

Indeed, when all the opponents are assassinated, one can then proclaim freedom to think for all, this logic is relentless.
Nowadays, a historian is free to propose the result of his research in history, on condition that not contradicting the official story, I think there of the history of the 20th century…  Thus the small pupils of the elementary school and the big students of the university have the choice to believe between what one says to them and what one hides to them.

On the amont, the suspects hunting by the Convention ( by the "Montagnards" (mountain-dweller) or Jacobins, and by the Committee of Public Safety will make approximately 40,000 victims in the whole country, from September 5th, 1793 to the fall of Robespierre, on July 27th, 1794.

The revolution founds a totalitarian regime and a totalitarian philosophy while preaching its Declaration of the Human rights and the Citizen,
vast philosophical smoke screen intended to give a moral justification to the crimes of Terror.
In the past, the Roman Catholic church or rather the institution vaticane, had given the example by justifying the crimes of the Inquisition in the name of the Holy Gospel.
There it was a question of assassinating (inter alia) all the sourcières-healers and the bonesetters of our campaigns which still cured according to the pagan rites.

It will be the same for the crimes of Stalin justifying the purgings in the name of the Marxism-Leninist gospel.
Then it was Mao with the massacre of the Hundred Flowers, repressing this short attempt for freedom of expression and the “Cultural revolution” who wanted to carry a final blow to all the bonds that the people could have with his past, the whole justified by the communist ideology and its new Gospel, the “red little book”.  
Also, in 1921 took place the revolt of Kronstadt, repressed in blood by the Red Army directed by Leon Trotsky who wanted the total destruction of what was opposed to the line of the party: revolted protested “yes with the Soviets, not to the Bolsheviks”, it was sufficient to designate them as anarchists
(the Soviets were, at the origin, workers or peasants councils and soldiers). Was the least opposition, a possible breach for the white army ? In any case, return of the history, Stalin will not tolerate the opposition of Trotsky… A possible breach in its dictatorship? …
Decidedly, among the revolutionary materialists, the absence of crowned makes that one does not respect the life even his comrades, as it was the case at the time of the lawsuits of Moscow in 1936, sham trials where authentic revolutionists had to inflict to them false charges to justify themselves their own execution!

One can say as much over the “Night of the Long Knives”, name given to the whole of assassinations of S.A. perpetrated by some S.S. in Germany between the June 29th and July 2nd, 1934, the term referring more specifically to the night of the from June 29th to 30th 1934.
“When it is declared that a lawsuit could alone have established the responsibilities exactly and have determined the sorrows, I protest against such an assertion. Whoever protests against Germany is a traitor with the fatherland. Whoever is treacherous with the fatherland should not be judged according to the extent of what it did but according to what it wanted to make. That which is placed under the sign of disloyalty, of the infidelity to its most sacred promises, can wait anything else only what arrived to him” - Speech of Adolf Hitler of July 13th, 1934
In all 86 deaths…
But it is nevertheless less than:
- 40000 deaths of Terror
- 1268 victims of the great lawsuits of Moscow… (not included officers of the Red Army and the million deaths of
ordinary purgings)
- the 1.7 million victims of the Khmer Rouges in Kampuchea (of 1975 to 1979)
- the 3 million victims of the Chinese Cultural revolution:
The number of deaths, according to an internal document of the Communist party, would be of 1.72 million.
Three million deaths would be closer to reality. “Massacres of the Cultural revolution”
(Buchet-Chastel), collection of testimonies gathered by Song Yongyi, historian of Chinese origin
teaching at the university of State of California, recall at the right time the true nature of the Chinese regime.

But you will say to me, in Germany there were the concentration camps! Yes indeed, but there exists also an official censure which prohibits any revisionism on this subject,
even if another version of the History is presented with the best scientific arguments or testimonies… and as I am strongly opposed as soon as one touches to the freedom of the historians, I will not elaborate on the question. The history should not be subjected to the discretionary power of the judges.

    And, while Laffitte autojustifie obligingly in its Memories, by explaining why it is highly moral to grow rich, Duvergier de Hauranne develops in 1838, in its Principles of the representative government, the theory according to which “the king reigns and does not govern”.
The sovereign reduced to the role of figurehead : it is already, the profile of the future presidents of 3rd and 4th Republics which takes shape. This lowering of the policy - inevitable, because the concept even of sovereignty is from now on out of season - goes hand in hand with the rise of the decision-making power the Masters of “anonymous fortune and vagrant” have at their disposal : starting from the Second Empire, the cosmopolitan high finance affirms, sure of itself and dominating, its omnipotence.
France of the cathedrals consequently sees its destiny decided with the Stock Exchange and the seat of the large stateless banks. This evolution is logical. Since 1790, Burke, in his Reflections on the Revolution in France, had denounced the essential tare of the philosophy of the Lights: the desacralization of man relations to the world - and thus the disenchantment of the world.
The men of the Lights, indeed, “consider the men in their experiments as they would do it neither more nor less to mice in an air pump or a mephitical gas container”.

The European France and nations thus will undergo unavowable experiments which I have the pleasure of denouncing as much as I can it, with my gaps and my awkwardnesses, but I do not claim to be perfect.
Also I am favorable to contradiction and I this is the only way encourage those which do not think like me of delivering their opinion to me, one grows.

We will expose the various experiments whose European people are victims:

The control of the working class.
Constraint of the farmers.
World wars.
The experiment of immigration.
The bank credit.

(not of bond = prone that I will expose as soon as possible)

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